Here are a few recommended net destinations for your surfing travels:
Vital Point

Go to this website. If you have not already read the works of Seanbaby, the funniest writer in all of history, then you have been criminally misusing the internet connection you have had up to now. You are like a monkey using a Nintendo DS as a paperweight. Go, now, and rectify your simian ignorance! (Recommended starting point: here). Another set of Seanbaby brilliance can be found at the Wave Mag archive.

Funny. That's all you need to know. About a guy and two of his alter egos, has a really cool art style, and is really funny. Currently doing a very good job of college humour. Did I mention funny? Now go read it!

An excellent idea, where webcomic-ers battle it out in one-from June 23rd on you can see yours truly duking it out on the big stage!

Another web-idea brimming with potential, where artists can collaborate on ongoing projects. Go, have a look, take part, and contribute to my own little experiment 'Open Ended'.

One of the best drawn and funniest webcomics out there, and back online again! There's actually a storyline going on at the moment, but dive into the archives and you'll find your feet in no time.

A crazy idea but not a gimmick. There is genuine humour and laughter-causing things here. The fact that its the Alien and a Predator living together in an NY apartment just makes it even better.

There is no other comic like this, anywhere. Humour based on stoic philosophy is incredibly rare. Humour based on stoic philosophy that's incredibly funny is even rarer, and yet somehow there's a whole archive full of it. Utterly unique, you should really see this.

This guy, Rex, was an extremely funny Sketchbattler in season 1. He's also behind the very cool Continuous Comics. He also does a comic, and guess what? It's both funny and cool.
Other places

My deviantART gallery, featuring all sorts of artwork, both Cube 30 and not. There are also loads of excellent artists online there, so it's worth checking out. If you do any art yourself, you really should be online already. Go! Now!

Hades Central, the homepage of the real-life Lan. Here you can find his original gallery of Cube 30 strips, complete with unique perspective on each. Also the only you place you can currently find the earliest Cube 30 strips, as well as various non-strip Cube 30 items. Not to mention all his own webbery.

If you have a memory, a soul, and an age greater than twenty this site will be major experience for you. Full of vetted, high-quality remixes of old video games this site has brought me joy and wonder. No crappy one-sample kiddy mixes of uselessness, everything I've downloaded from here has been excellent. Truly, how had I lived without a caribbean version of F-Zeros Big Blue, or double bass Zangief theme? (I'm not joking, they really sound good!)
Fellow SketchBattlers who asked for a link

Johnny P, a fellow web-battler on SketchBattle. His comic isn't bad at all, but he keeps beating himself up. Go tell him to be more confident and less whiney!
Want to link to Cube 30? Here're some handy-dandy buttons. The first was hand-crafted by Chris Paluszeck